August Home Maintenance

by Greg Adams

If the summer heat has you dazed and confused when it comes to all things home maintenance, here are 5 tasks perfect for tackling this time of year:

1. Deep clean rugs and carpets. The warm weather will help them dry quicker.

2. Clean and organize your home’s “drop zone.” Back-to-school is just days away! 

3. Clean and store summer gear like sports equipment, (still) sandy beach chairs, and camping supplies.

4. Clean vehicle interiors. All that travel took a number on your car. Now’s the time to get ready for the school year runaround. 

5. Organize closets, and if you have little ones, have them try on. I’m guessing not much will fit!

What do you love doing around your home this time of year? Share in the comments!


Greg Adams

Managing Partner/Owner | License ID: 184712

+1(405) 237-8189

